10 Creative Ways to Sign Off Your Next Greeting Card
If you are anything like us, life is too short to be boring. Greeting cards are no exception. Sometimes a "sincerely" or "love" just doesn't cut it, and you might want to switch it up. We are here to help you add a little pizzazz into your greeting cards. Check out these 20 creative ways to sign off your next greeting card!
1. "Get get 'em Tiger"
This one is a spunky little encouragement and a bonus if they are an animal lover. This sign-off is a favorite for someone going into a new job, new chapter of their life, or just to give someone a metaphorical pat on the back.
2. "Love you bunches"
A sweet line for sure- close it out and send this card over to one of your best friends, close family, or anyone you hold dear to your heart!
3. "May the Force be with you"
You know what's going on...send this to a Star Wars lover!
4. "Go (Sports Team)"
If you and your loved one share a favorite sports team, this is a great line. They'll be sure to love it. You can even twist it the other way and shoutout a team you live, but they aren't so fond of. You have to mess with them a little, right?
5. "Kachow"
Calling all Lightning McQueen fans here! If you are in the mood to add a little spunk and personality to your closing, this is the one for you.
6. "Peace Out"
So groovy! You can be both casual and fun with this closing. You can also hint at your inner self that is physically incapable of saying goodbye without throwing up a peace sign. We see you. ;)
7. "Kiss Kiss"
A little smooch smooch never hurt anyone! Send this one to your boo thang, a special friend, or even your secret crush. Sometimes you just gotta be a little flirty.
8. "Stay Fierce"
It's giving 2013 Tumblr energy and we are here for it.
9. "Get It Queen/King"
Who doesn't love a little encouragement? Channel your inner baddie with this one and yassify that card!
10. "Boom Baby"
Imagine you just wrote the card of your life, and they are in tears by the words you chose. It's so poetic. A normal sign-off just won't cut it. This is the mic drop you're looking for.
At the end of the day, the most important thing is to just be you. Keep it fun, and the recipient is sure to love the card you gave them. If you are on the hunt for a great card, then make sure to check out our selection of different cards! As always, Wonder Prints is dedicated to adding a little fun into the goods you buy. You can be comfortable knowing you are helping the Earth at the same time.